35 Love Lessons Learned

To all the men I’ve dated….thank you. Thank you for joining me on this rocky yet exhilarating journey in life and in the pursuit of love. Whether you were in my life for a day, a week, a month, a season or for years, I am grateful for every one of you. Because every experience with another human being teaches […]
Rules of Engagement: Ten Tips for Fighting Fair in Relationships

The beginning of every new relationship feels like you’re floating on a rainbow candy cloud of endorphins. You’re both on your best behavior; and that’s easy to do because you’re starting with a clean slate. There are no past resentments or hurts – yet. However, in the course of everyday life, conflict inevitably arises and the […]
He Chose a Summer in the Hamptons over LOVE!

As fate would have it, I met a man twenty years my senior; and while I was hesitant about the extremely large age gap at first, my concerns started to melt away as I began to fall in love with his warmth, strength and kind heart. He treated me like a man should treat a woman – and […]
The Impact of Lopsided Gender Ratios on Dating

College-educated women who are looking for a committed relationship are up against a multitude of challenges in today’s dating culture. The most daunting is the fact that we have a deficit of college-educated men. According to the new book ‘Date-Onomics’ by Jon Birger (a Brown educated writer and former senior writer for Fortune and Money […]
If You Ever Fall In Love….